I've been posting a lot less frequently lately, and I've been trying to figure out why. Without classes to attend and homework to take care of, you'd think that I would have a lot more time to share some new information and some "What the heck, man?"s with you. However, beyond the month of May having been busy, I have been diving back into video games again and thus, have "less" time to write. Lately, I've been working on a couple of games: Dragon Age: Origins for the PC, and Gears of War 3 for the Xbox 360. Comparing the two very different games has made me realize that as long as you're taking a game for what it is and getting what you expect out of it, they don't have to have high review ratings to be good games (though, both of these games have pretty high review scores). Dragon Age is a deep and involved fantasy role-playing experience, and Gears of War is a shallow shooter with mild combat tactics. Both are awesome.
E3, the annual game conference, is currently taking place, which means a lot of new information and a bunch of new pretty game trailers to watch. I have a couple to share today from a couple of lesser-known properties, as well as a trailer from an established property, that will make you say wow. I've been playing games for most of my life and I've been there through the incredible feats of gaming like Ocarina of Time and Final Fantasy X, but these games look like they're taking it to the next level, and they still make me say wow. To a degree, they also make me say "What the heck, man?", because the level of realism/awesomeness in video games these days is getting ridiculous.
The Last of Us
To think that this is gameplay is stunning. It's not all about the graphics to me: the way that the player progresses, the conversations that the characters have as they move, the enemy reactions, and the brutality of the action all combine to create an absolutely beautiful trailer. I almost want to get a Playstation 3 just to play this game.
Watch Dogs
A game with relatively little hype coming into E3 from the makers of Assassin's Creed, Watch Dogs appears to be the game that finally properly puts you into the shoes of an information juggernaut. This seems to want to function like a fusion of the show Person of Interest and the Bourne movie series. If it can pull it off, this game will be the next big thing.
Assassin's Creed III
The giant in this small room, Assassin's Creed III promises to continue the tradition of acrobatics and action that has become a staple for the series. I was personally a bit disappointed with the saturation of content in the latest Assassin's Creed game, as I felt that they tried to incorporate too many new ideas, culminating in a disjointed experience. Not only does this game promise to return to its roots, but it's set in America, right around the time of the revolution from the British. History professors, take note: there ought to be a lot of historical fact (and fiction, obviously) to be absorbed here.
And that is all for now. I probably will not post after every day of E3 but who knows; if I'm as thoroughly impressed with the other days as I was with day one, you might be hearing from me a lot this week. Enjoy!
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