Eh.. hold on a sec. Today I'm going to present to you my ideas for encountering Black Friday as a smart and considerate shopper. Hopefully, these ideas will help you to save a little money and to find a little more enjoyment out of the hectic environment that is Black Friday.
1) First and foremost, don't forget about Thanksgiving. Particularly with all of these stores that are opening on Thanksgiving night, if you have a particular item you're looking to get on Black Friday, your entire Thursday evening might be spent dreaming of that moment when you carry that item out of the store. Be sure to enjoy the true holiday first, giving thanks for all of the blessings in your life (and trust me, anyone reading this has a lot to be thankful for) and letting all of your worries (like Black Friday) go as you hopefully get to celebrate with loved ones.
2) Use the internet to pre-shop. One of the great blessings of the information age is that we can use our computers and phones to access information in a few blinks of the eye. Check out websites like http://blackfriday.com/ to pre-shop a little bit, looking through the ads of your favorite stores to see if there are any particular deals that you're looking for. This effort is actually pretty critical to avoiding impulse shopping, as having a clear focus while going into a manic shopping day can help to control your impulses and to decrease any "maniacal" purchases. However, this alone won't cut it, you'll need to do a bit more...

4) Use the internet to post-shop. Cyber Monday is starting to become a pretty big day in itself, particularly for sites like Amazon who do a significant chunk of their business online (or in Amazon's case, almost all of it). If you miss something on Black Friday, be patient, as it could pop up on the store's website on Cyber Monday. Bear in mind, as well, that online stores like Amazon will have deals on Black Friday, so it's worth taking some time to check out what's available.
5) Have fun! Black Friday shouldn't be stressful, as if you miss on your item that day, it's certainly not the end of the world. Find joy in the day that gets people off their butts, working off some of those Thanksgiving calories and looking for great deals, just like you are. Black Friday has its evils, but part of what it represents is the blessings we get to have in this great nation. Getting the chance to shop on Black Friday is an opportunity that so few people in the world get to have, and we shouldn't waste this opportunity by letting ourselves get frustrated or stressed.
Enjoy this week, give thanks for all of the blessings in your life, and happy shopping!
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