Sunday, January 29, 2012

What the Heck, Man?: Another Crazy App

First off, I invite you all to check out this link:

If I've read that correctly both times I've read the article, WotWentWrong is an app that essentially provides an easy, convenient way for someone to find out why their date went wrong.  Obviously, as the article says, this request can be ignored by the dumper, so the dumpee won't necessarily receive the answer that they think they want.

In this age of information, we're always looking for the answers.  Some of us are so dissatisfied with not knowing an answer that we'll keep our smartphones and our data plans in tow at all times, ready to Google-search any question we might have, from the hibernation patterns of a grizzly bear to the middle name of Lady Gaga's dog.  Incidentally, I don't know if Gaga has a dog, or if it has a middle name, so feel free to look that up.  Right now...

Got it?  Let me know.  Anyway, WotWentWrong is another enabler for our human nature's never-ending quest for information.  If we can find out all of these random facts online, why shouldn't we have easy access to reasons why we failed on a date, right?  I know that all of us have thought to ourselves, at one time or another, that we'd be so much happier if we just knew the facts.  "It's not you, it's me" just isn't satisfying!  We want to be told what's wrong with us, so that we can change it and present ourselves better for the next person!

Yeah, we don't actually want that, nor do we really want to know WotWentWrong on our date.  Luckily, I can't see this product lasting very long on the market.  First off, I would suspect that only about 15% of dumpers will actually fill out the email and reply to their dates, and 98% of the time, they'll reply under the assumption that they'll never have to see or hear from the person again.  I pray for the dumpees who think this app is a good idea, as there are few things more falsely reassuring than knowing what someone might not like about you.

However, for the mere fact that someone had the idea to put this app together, I must say... What the heck, man?


  1. So wait, can we read all the stories posted by everyone else about why dates went wrong? That actually might be pretty interesting!

  2. I think Mike might be on to something here!
